
Developing numerical strategies and solvers

In brief: I design and implement novel computational methods to efficiently and accurately fit sequencing datasets.

Despite the advantages of stochastic modeling, many challenges remain. Practically all interesting biophysical systems are intractable, and require approximation to solve. In other words, to do statistics, we need to compute likelihoods; these likelihoods cannot typically be written down in a simple form. To fit data, it is necessary to create new algorithms.

A considerable portion of my Ph.D. work entailed the development of solvers for biological stochastic process distributions. The Monod numerical package is designed to fit and analyze distributions for thousands of genes, using a generating function-based method tailored to multimodal data.

However, this approach requires numerically intensive integration and Fourier transformation, which limits its applicability to relatively simple systems and questions. To bypass these problems, I designed several alternative approaches, approximating spliced and unspliced RNA distributions by special functions and combinations of basis distributions.

Fitting multimodal data requires accurate solvers, based on a variety of principles.



  1. monod.jpg
    Distinguishing biophysical stochasticity from technical noise in single-cell RNA sequencing using Monod
    Gennady Gorin, and Lior Pachter
    bioRxiv, Apr 2023
  2. bivi.jpg
    Biophysical modeling with variational autoencoders for bimodal, single-cell RNA sequencing data
    Maria Carilli*Gennady Gorin*Yongin ChoiTara Chari, and Lior Pachter
    bioRxiv, May 2023
  3. meK.jpg
    Biophysically Interpretable Inference of Cell Types from Multimodal Sequencing Data
    Tara ChariGennady Gorin, and Lior Pachter
    bioRxiv, Sep 2023


  1. spectral.jpg
    Spectral neural approximations for models of transcriptional dynamics
    Gennady Gorin*Maria Carilli*Tara Chari, and Lior Pachter
    bioRxiv, Jun 2022


  1. pathint.jpg
    Analytic solution of chemical master equations involving gene switching. I: Representation theory and diagrammatic approach to exact solution
    arXiv, Mar 2021


  1. special.jpg
    Special function methods for bursty models of transcription
    Gennady Gorin, and Lior Pachter
    Physical Review E, Aug 2020